Hello again, in this tutorial I will be showing you how to make your own web browser, you may be thinking "this is difficult" but with my tutorials nothing is no such thing as so. Just follow my instructions.

 Ignore all the spelling mistakes of the video.


Visual basics 2008: http://microsoft-visual-basic-2008.softonic.com/descargar
 Pause the video as much as you need!

 Let me explain with more detail all the information in the video.

First of all the resources in the video may change a little depending on the edition of "VB"(Visual Basic) that you are using, it may vary just a bit.

You may come a long with certain problems for example when you try to make the window big the web page will still remain small, so what you do is to anchor it, anchoring can be found under the properties bar.

Something that can look real nice is to change the colors on your letters and buttons and even the web browsers color. If you want to add a logo in the project please register your software to receive some.

If you have any sort of problem plase contact me in my e-mail.

Make a Free Website with Yola.